MSC Summer Tennis Lessons and Clinics 2024
MSC Junior Weekday Lessons
Monday - Thursday's $60 per session
Tiny Tots (ages 4 - 5) meet 12:30 - 1:00pm
Beg/Adv (ages 6 - 9) meet from 1:00 - 2:00pm
Beg/Adv (ages 10 - 13) meet from 1:00 - 2:00pm
Session 1 begins June 24
Session 2 begins July 1
Session 3 begins July 8
Session 4 begins July 15
Session 5 begins July 22
Session 6 begins July 29
MSC Last Chance Tennis
August 5th - 8th - $70 + tax
10 U's from10 - 11am
11 & older from 11:15am - 12:15pm
MSC Family Sunday Clinics
Sundays starting May 19th to September 15th
Participate as an individual or as a family!
*10:00-11:00am - 13 & Under and Adults (Beginners)
*Class will cover the 'basics' work on improving consistency, movement & skills to help enjoy the game!
**11:00-12:00pm - 14 & Older and Adults (Advanced)
** Class geared toward all who've played some tennis on a regular basis and will cover improving strokes, serves & understanding how to play the game better!
$200 per participant ($20 per drop in)